CategoriesAI News

Using Feedback to Fuel a Better Customer Experience Blog

Executive Order on Transforming Federal Customer Experience and Service Delivery to Rebuild Trust in Government Customer experience is a crucial aspect of marketing, as it directly impacts customer satisfaction, loyalty, and overall brand perception. Discover how to create memorable interactions, build lasting relationships, and foster customer loyalty. Sales experience is concerned with the buyer’s journey […]

CategoriesAI News

SAS a Leader in AI and machine learning platforms, says research firms report

Predicting rapid progression in knee osteoarthritis: a novel and interpretable automated machine learning approach, with specific focus on young patients and early disease Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases Note, however, that providing too little training data can lead to overfitting, where the model simply memorizes the training data rather than truly learning the underlying patterns. […]

CategoriesAI News

Your AI Chatbot for Smart Conversations.

The Evolution of Smart Chatbots: Enhancing User Experience These arrays need to be pre-processed, so that any punctuation, upper case letters and special characters are deleted or replaced. In this article, an approach to creating a chat bot with pre-trained word embeddings and a recurrent neural network with an encoder-decoder architecture is described. The word […]